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July 10, 2011

"No Harry Potter Film for Indonesia"

Do they really think that banning (or increasing the customs duty & other stupid rules I don't clearly understand) some Hollywood movies to come in to Indonesia will make the quality of Indonesian movies get better than before?
Dengan hanya menyediakan film-film Indonesia di bioskop itu sama aja pemaksaan.
Pemaksaan itu hukumnya tidak halal, komandan.

Btw, buat yang belum pernah baca novel Harry Potter, I suggest you to read it.
Di mata gw, Harry Potter itu novel fiktif terbagus, terkeren, terkreatif, dan ter ter ter lainnya.
And I'm about to review Harry Potter's stuffs, wish you get tons of pleasure, muggles!

Harry Potter taught me to thank God to have parents (because we all know that he doesn't have any)...

Lily Potter taught me to be strong and brave...

Sirius Black taught me to trust in my beloved family...
Sirius: I expect you’re tired of hearing this, but you look so like your father. Except your eyes. You have…
Harry: My mother’s eyes.
Sirius: It’s cruel that I got to spend so much time with James and Lily, and you so little. But know this, the ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here.
[puts his hand to Harry’s heart]

Albus Dumbledore taught me about what love is... Dumbledore: Harry, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn’t bear to have you touch him? It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you. And that kind of act leaves a mark… This kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.

Cedric Diggory taught me to be kind-hearted even to my rival...
Hagrid taught me to love animals...

Fred & George taught me to distinguish a business and a relation hahahahahaRon: How much is this?
Twins: Five galleons.
Ron: How much for me?
Twins: 5 galleons.
Ron: I’m your brother!
Twins: 10 galleons.

Ginny Weasley taught me to keep waiting someone patiently... Harry: It’s been like… like something out of someone else’s life, these last few weeks with you. But I can’t. We can’t. I’ve got things to do now. Think how much danger you’ll be in if we keep this up.
Ginny: What if I don’t care?
Harry: I care. How do you think I'd feel if this was your funeral... and it was my fault?
Ginny: I never really gave up on you. Not really. I always hoped... but you’ve been too busy saving the wizarding world. Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. I knew this would happen in the end. I knew you wouldn’t be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that’s why I like you so much.

Ronald Weasley & Hermione Granger, well, 'kay, they are pretty sweet. (Yes, I'm that jealous!) Ron: Your voice, Hermione. You said my name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. And sure enough, it flew toward me, the ball of light, right into my chest and straight through me. Right here. And I knew it was going to take me where I needed to go.
Ron: I love you, Hermione.
Hermione: Don't let Lavender hear you saying that.
Ron: I won't. Or maybe I will... then she'll ditch me.

Dobby taught me to be a loyal friend...

If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love.

I always wonder how it feels to hold on a snitch...

And I always wonder how butterbeer tastes like...
All in all, friendship is the most valuable thing I've learned from Harry Potter...

Harry: Hogwarts is my home. If you said that Hogwarts is your home, you know what, Harry? You're my life.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling:
Thirteen years after the first Harry Potter book was published, I am still astonished and delighted by the response the story has met. Even though the seventh book and the eighth film have now been completed, I’m still receiving hundreds of letters every week, and Harry’s fans remain as enthusiastic and inventive as ever. So I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you, because no author could have asked for a more wonderful, diverse and loyal readership. I’m thrilled to say that I am now in a position to give you something unique; an online reading experience unlike any other. It’s called Pottermore.
It’s the same story, with a few crucial additions - the most important one is you. Just as the experience of reading requires that the imaginations of the author and reader work together to create the story, so Pottermore will be built in part by you, the reader. The digital generation will be able to enjoy a safe, unique online experience built around the Harry Potter books. Pottermore will be the place where fans of any age can share, participate in and rediscover the stories. It will also be the exclusive place to purchase digital audio books and, for the first time, ebooks of the Harry Potter series.
I’ll be joining in too, because I will be sharing additional information I have been hoarding for years about the world of Harry Potter. Pottermore is open to everyone from October, but a lucky few can enter early and help shape the experience. Simply follow the owl. Good luck.

Dear Harry Potter author... I swear by the God...

image search: tumblr

Kalo ada film Indonesia yang sebanding bagusnya sama jalan cerita & efek film Harry Potter, gw ikhlasin Harry Potter gak tayang di sini.
Kalo gak ada, lemme do Avada Kedavra curse to all of you guys who made those stupid rules.


  1. Kak Enaaaaa, me love Harry Potter too :3
    Entah kenapa loh, posting-an ini touching bgt. Agak mewek dikit bacanya. Hehehehehe.

  2. hello girl, just visited your blog here and it's fuckin awesome. okay, wanna clear something here :D
    umm, kebetulan kakekku salah satu org di lembaga sensor film indonesia, dan err beliau bilang sendiri kalo dianya juga kesel karena film luar g masuk haha. itu semua soal pajak bea cukai shitty thingies, jadi itu sebenernya nggak ada tuh alasan buat memajukan film indonesia yang, sorry to say, sudah menurunkan sendiri kualitasnya dengan mbak mbak kuntilanak seksi.

    daan, izin reblog boleh? hihi pasti cantumin source kok.
    anyway kesini aja tanggal 14 juli :D di sg udah diputer hahaha

  3. @joanna: makasih joanna! pas ngepost ini aku juga mewek, especially pas bagian mirror of erised itu, Harry showed us he was so strong that he didn't even cry :')

    @venus: hello, there :) makasih pujiannya & silahkan reblog :) wah seneng banget deh kalo masih ada orang2 di lembaga perfilman yang punya pemikiran kayak kakek kamu!
    film indonesia emang kebanyakan film berkedok horor yang padahal isi filmnya porno semua. dan rasanya gak perlu untuk ngmg "sorry to say" karna emang faktanya kayak gitu :)
    kamu tinggal di spore? pasti berasa banget ya euphoria hpdh disana! thanks for the invitation, but I'll stay here, doain aja ada keajaiban biar hpdh bisa tayang disini :)

    @nadira: thank you nadira :)

  4. hihi i guess i'll reblog this just after i watched it, hopefully at 14 july.

    hell yeeees i cant wait! wish someday both of us can visit the harry potter park and taste the butterbeer hehe :3

  5. @venus: or maybe we can make some glass of butterbeer by ourself, I got the recipe from tumblr deer :D

    @marlinakoh: snape's so unpredictable, isn't he? by the way, an english teacher at my school looks very like him, tapi guruku itu cewek hahaha. I'm gonna post a photo of her soon in case you're curious to see :)
