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October 30, 2011

Let It Be

"You are only a teenager. You are not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tons, use manners, and try something new.
Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, and regret nothing.
Don't laugh at people's dreams, challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories.
You should make time to dance in your underwear and learn from the past.
Play dress up and then take all your clothes off.
Have the time of your life."

Because I believe that life is short, I'd better let it be. Be happy.

I passionately feel like having 'let it be' permanent tattoo on my left wrist.
Bukan cuma nulis pake pulpen dan ditebelin setiap hari.
Tapi katanya nanti dosa, nanti susah dapet kerja, nanti keliatan kayak cewek badung, nanti ini, nanti itu, nanti lalalala.
Huh, yasudahlah.

Sekarang gw udah kuliah dan lagi sibuk-sibuknya ngerjain tugas sekaligus belajar buat UTS.
Gw masih tetep kayak dulu, gak pernah bisa konsen belajar di kelas.
Guru Dosen ngejelasin, gw bengong atau kadang-kadang ngobrol.
Bedanya, kalo kuliah udah gak bisa tidur di kelas lagi dengan ngomong ke temen sebangku, "kalo ada gurunya, bangunin gw ya".
Udah gak ada yang namanya temen sebangku.
Duduknya bebas, boleh dimana aja, asal bukan di meja dosen.

Gw berangkat kuliah dianter om gw atau naik ojek.
Pulang naik angkot atau kadang dijemput sama bokap. Sering juga nebeng temen.
Perjalanan pulang gw dari kampus ke rumah pasti ngelewatin stasiun.
Gw suka suasana stasiun, bikin keinget sama Hogsmeade Station atau King's Cross Station.
Walaupun sebenernya sih beda banget.

Well, I guess I should go back studying!
I promise I'll tell you more about my new life at university later!


  1. thank you nad! lagi bosen aja padahal iseng-iseng bikin header hehehe

  2. Selalu suka deh sama postingannya Ena :)

  3. nice blog. i'am your new follower. will u visit me and foll me back too? at or

  4. thank you, ica! I'll visit your blogs in my spare time :)
