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October 17, 2013


About a month ago, I chose "Robot" as the topic for my process essay in writing class. 
You know it's kind of impossible for me to write all of these stuffs without helps from other people.
Actually, I was inspired by my favorite lecturer Mas Yudhi (IYS)'s notes on facebook, then I got some help to write the outline from Kak Mbe. And finally Miss Thera, my second favorite lecturer gave me some corrections to improve it.
So....................This is it!

October 16, 2013


Kalo diliat-liat lagi (auk sapa yang mau ngeliat), ini blog isinya gegalauan doang yes.
Seharusnya sih, kalaupun galau, kontennya tetep bisa & kudu berguna.
Kalo gak berguna, mendingan ditaro di draft aja atau sekalian di buku diari yang ada gembok ciliknya.

Nah... Maka dari itu, pemirsa...
Mulai hari ini, saya, Anisastrowardoyo, memutuskan untuk mulai nulis atau bagi-bagi tulisan yang bisa berguna bagi nusa dan bangsa yang juga turut didukung oleh nilai-nilai Pancasila dan keagungan semesta raya. #KEMUDIANMENCRETDICELANA

Udah, gitu doang. Gw yakin sih, kalo pengumuman macem begini nongol di mading sekolaan, pasti udah disobek-sobek sama siswa-siswi setempat buat dijadiin bungkus softex atau tempat gorengan!

October 14, 2013

A Mad Lover

I want nothing, but your presence.
Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder.
Fuck that old proverb.
I want you, every now and then.
I knew that neither your presence nor your absence can free me from this severe pain.

October 12, 2013

The Worst Quote

Kata mutiara terkacau di orji jaman SD → "Hiduplah seperti lilin, rela dibakar guna menerangi kegelapan".
Now some people unconsciously sacrifice their lives setting on fire on themselves in the purpose of lightening others' darkness
...and then BAM! They forget the fact that it's slowly damaging their own existences.

October 6, 2013

Tai (episode 4)

Sebelum lo ngomong tai orang lain bau, pastiin kalo tai & mulut lo cukup wangi untuk ngomong kayak gitu.
To cut it short, mind your own shits, shit.